fraud May 25, 2011 20:27
who ][ arthur (is_on_point), as ][ responder, verse ][ the precisionists, where ][ sws, age ][ pre-canon (as eames)
fraud May 11, 2011 18:20
who ][ arthur (is_on_point), verse ][ the precisionists, age ][ pre-canon (as eames)
fraud May 10, 2011 01:35
where ][ journal, who ][ arthur (is_on_point), as ][ responder, verse ][ the precisionists, age ][ pre-canon (as eames)
fraud May 06, 2011 22:13
as ][ poster, who ][ arthur (is_on_point), who ][ arthur (incepting), where ][ sws, who ][ benny (thefeint)